Vitality ‘Health FYI’ webcasts give you food for thought

Holidays mean celebrating with family, friends and food. When it comes to your favorite holiday eats (and how you eat throughout the upcoming year), there are ways to eat what you like without sacrificing your health.
Vitality Health FYI Webcasts
December– “Unpacking the Groceries Behind This Year’s Trends”
When it comes to healthy eating, it’s been a year full of fads, trends and variations. During this “Health FYI,” we’ll unpack popular diet trends and share tips on navigating healthy eating in the new year.
To register for this Dec. 21 webcast, log in to and click on Resources > Health Resources > Health FYI Webcasts > Next Live Webcast > Register Now.
We also recommend watching these on-demand webcasts:
November – “Fueling Your Mind and Body”
To help us perform at our best, it’s important to remember that what we eat fuels not only our body but also our mind. In this “Health FYI,” Vitality covers the importance of choosing foods that help our overall health, what essential
nutrients to look out for and tips for balancing what’s on your plate.
October – “Enjoying the Holidays Without a Side of Guilt”
They only come around once a year, so why not enjoy them while you can. Watch this “Health FYI” for tips and ideas on how you can enjoy the holiday season without sacrificing your favorite recipes.
Visit and click on Resources > Health Resources > Health FYI Webcasts.