Physical Therapy Month: Focus on healing and mobility with Sword Thrive
There are a multitude of benefits that physical therapy provides. Since October is “Physical Therapy Month,” learn how PT can be a safe, effective and long-term pain relief option that helps patients achieve their physical activity goals and
improve their quality of life.
- Improve and restore movement and function.
- Manage pain.
- Reduce the symptoms of many chronic (long-term) conditions and diseases.
- Recover from and prevent injury.
- Avoid risky, costly surgeries.
As members of the Concordia Health Plan, you have access to a phenomenal digital PT program called Sword Thrive that allows you to do PT from the convenience of your home or wherever you are.
- Available to you and eligible adult family members 18 and older enrolled in the Concordia Health Plan at no extra cost
- No prescription or doctor’s orders are needed.
- Matches you with a licensed physical therapist who learns about you over a video call, designs a customized program and supports you every step of the way – adjusting your program as your needs change, so you get better, faster.
- A tablet and motion sensors will track your exercise progress, give feedback and help correct your form in real-time.
Sword Thrive members achieve a 30% improvement over conventional PT and reduce pain levels by 70% in just eight weeks. Here’s what CPS members had to say about their experiences using Sword Thrive.
“I really like the flexibility and the way the program makes it so easy to do. I also like how you [Sword Thrive] are able change my prescription from the feedback received from my sessions. I am very happy with it all.”
“I want to thank you [Sword Thrive] for all your help and guidance. It is a little victory but I’m going to take it. Tonight, for the first time in nearly a year I was able to bend my leg up to my hip to put on my sock! I had to lift it with my hands to get it on the bed, but I haven’t been able to bend it in that way for so long. I usually had to sit on a chair or my bed, cringing as I leaned forward, and slide my foot back while keeping it on the floor and lift the toes, slide on the sock part way, then lift the heel to slide it over the heel. Thank you!!!”
Want to learn more?
You’re invited to tune in every Wednesday at 12 p.m. CT for an informational webinar about the benefits of using Sword Thrive for physical therapy.
- Marketscan Healthcare Data 2017