Concordia Plans at LCMS Convention 2023

Stop by and say hello if you're in the Milwaukee area! We're attending the LCMS Convention and we'd love to connect with you. The exhibit hall is open Saturday 7/29 - Tuesday Aug 1. Visit to learn more about convention and exhibitor hours.
Morning Walks
Join Concordia Plans for organized morning walks to infuse some fresh air and physical activity into your day.
- Walks will be held Sunday, Monday and Tuesday mornings from 6:15 – 6:45 a.m., if it isn’t raining.
- No pre-registration is necessary; simply meet by 6:10 a.m. at the main entrance patio of the Baird Convention Center (corner of Vel R. Phillips Ave. and Wisconsin Ave.).
- Each morning you walk, you will be entered into a drawing to receive a $50 gift card, compliments of Concordia Plans.
Lunch and Learns
Join CPS to hear a presentation and enjoy a complimentary lunch, during the scheduled midday break, with fellow attendees.
Space is limited and tickets are required; sign up and receive your ticket at the Concordia Plans booth in the exhibit hall.
Financial wellness for all ages | Estate planning basics | Supporting ministry lay leaders |
Introducing Healthcare Navigation, coming January 1, 2024 | Being well, serving well: | Finding the “Easy Button” for administrative needs |
Free Financial One-on-Ones
Meet with a CPS financial educator one-on-one while at convention to discuss personal finance topics, ask questions and learn more about your benefits.
Appointments are available Saturday through Tuesday. To sign up for a 30-minute session, visit the Concordia Plans booth.
Not attending convention? You can email [email protected] to meet another time.